Septic System Assessment
Let us evaluate and maintain your septic system with a thorough evaluation, which includes checking septic system and drains that are running in to your septic tank system.
Your septic system has been designed to deal with waste water from plumbing fixtures in your home, including toilets, sinks, baths and washing machines. When used in moderation, cleaners and even bleach will not harm your system.
However, you should never introduce non-biodegradable products like paper towels, sanity napkins, diapers or plastic bags.
Septic tank cleaning needs to be done regularly to keep solid materials from building up to a level where they will start to flow into the drain field. The most common cause of drainfield failure is when solids clog the field until it can no longer absorb any more
Let us evaluate and maintain your septic system with our trained, experienced technicians to help you determine the best maintenance plan for all your septic tank cleaning, repair and vacuum truck needs.
Tank Locate
If you are unable to find your septic tank we offer electronic locating services. Unfortunately the device will not work if the pipes from the house become plugged so make sure you find out where your tank is before it becomes an emergency.
Exposing the Septic Tank Lid
To ensure proper cleaning of your septic tank, the lid must be cleaned of dirt and other materials. This lid will be about two feet wide to allow access to all areas of the tank. Generally the septic tank is not more than 1-2 feet
Whether you are buying or selling your home, or completing a routine inspection of your septic system, we will provide valuable insight and overall health check on a septic system which in the long run can save you money.
We thoroughly inspect all aspects to ensure everything is working normally, check for issues and provide a full report providing information if the system is running normally, any repairs are required or if there are any flags to be aware of.
Parties who use us:
- Individual Real estate Buyers & Sellers
- Insurance Companies
- Mortgage Companies
- Banks
- Property owners
Book a Septic System Assesment
Please note, Supior Septic Services is an inspection company and does not provide installation for septic systems. We are an unbiased party and remove any conflict of interest with any additional companies. Once the inspection is complete, depending on the inspection results, we encourage you to locate and consult with a ASTTBBC-certified practitioner of your choice.
Need septic services in Penticton, BC?
Call us at (250) 493-1865